Please note following that in order of construction I had to remove everything from my blog. This blog will restart soon. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Adventures of ghris2! Secret of the water dojo. Part 1

I was just hanging out  in EPF HQ when suddenly the director came onto screen and started talking to me. He said that there has been a lot of mysterious going on near ninja hideout. Someone is trying to break in! I asked: "is it herbert again?"  And director answered: "It can't be! Herbert is hibernating right  now! Dear agent, your asigments are to go to ninja hideout and investage."
I said "OKAY!" and quikly hurried to the dojo courtyjard. This is a really special day. When I got in top of stairs into the dojo courtyjard then I saw something really weird! Someone had broken the ninja hideout door and waterfall had frozen. This is a disaster!
I went into the ninja hideout and saw some little shadow hiding behind water dojo stone. I thought it was a puffle who had got lost and was scared and hide himself behind the stone. Maybe it was white puffle. But I'm not sure if it even was a puffle. So I went closer and then suddenly entire ninja hideout was full of smoke. When smoke cleared the little shadow was gone and there was trail to the fire dojo. I went in there. Volcano was braking down, and there was sign "stay here!" near the bridge back. Then the bridge broke. Even sensei wasn't there. I was alonely in a volcano that was going to blow.
To be continued.............

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