Please note following that in order of construction I had to remove everything from my blog. This blog will restart soon. Stay tuned!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Funny pictures

Hey again!
I haven't posted funny pictures for long time.
And today when I was doing the tactical agent dance, I managed to get really funny pictures.
Check them out below:
Has it ever happened to you that your shadow doesn't miss the sky lift, but you to.
After that, you have to run up the mountain to get him back.

Even your shadow has a personality.
Luckily he's mostly happy.
When your shadow has ran away, it's the best time to jump on him and catch him when he's watching fireworks.

My blog announcment!

Hey again everyone!
Below are 2 pictures of my blog.
Which one to you think is better looking???

Problably the first one, cause it doesn't have that weird with space below the picture.

Please note following that the upper one is small screen and the one with the big with space is full screen. So please turn on your small screens when reading my blog until I fix this problem.
I'll give you an update when it's fixed.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Herbert and klutzy's holiday

Hey again all penguins.
Klutzy decided to do a little holiday party to herbert.
Check it out below:
Happy holidays!

PS. It makes me a bit worried that we turned off the security system.

A holiday gift

Hey there again all penguins!
Remember the last year's gift postcard that you could've send to friends?
This year the gift postcard is back with new item!
This item is so awesome.
Here's a guide how to get it:

1.When you get a holiday present from someone click on it to unwrap it.
2.Then click "get item" to pick it up.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bug update!

Hey there again all penguins!
I'm just giving a quick bug update.

I somewhy could open all the calendar days and get all pirzes.
What you think?
Dropp a comment!

It's my birthday!

Hey there again all penguins!
Just wanted to give a quick update that I'm having a birthday!